Thursday, May 17, 2007


Jordon, Dan and Josh studying VERY EARLY in the morning. OK maybe not that early to some of you, but for me 6 am is early. I didn't wake up until about 6:45 when I heard Kaden and thought to myself "I bet Jordon is trying to study, I better go get Kaden". I come down and all three of the guys are studying and had been for some time. They were being so quiet, I didn't know they were all down there. The things you have to do for dental school....glad it's not me :)


Annie said...

This will definitely be one of your "remember when" moments. Glad you captured it on photo.

Cory said...

My twin sister's hubby just graduated from dental school on Saturday!!!! What an accomplishment and what haaaard work, dedication and commitment to get there. Hang in there girly it'll all be worth it in the end.