Thursday, September 13, 2007

Naughty and Nice

All of you that know Kinley and Taeler know they are NICE girls. They don't hit, push, kick or anything like that. Normally, I don't worry about what they are doing when they are quiet but lately they have learned how to be NAUGHTY! A few weeks ago, this is what I found them doing.

A few weeks ago, I heard them in the bathroom so I went to check on them and the door was locked. Taeler opened the door and they had dumped out ALL my flour and powdered sugar on the floor. I didn't know exactly where to start to clean it up, so I put them in the bath and cleaned it all up. So nice little girls can still be naughty.

They took crayons and colored all over Kadens sheet. I think Taeler was pretty innocent in this one. I asked Kinley why she colored on the sheet and she said "It was an accident". Sure it was! :)


Anonymous said...

looks as though I have a lot to look forward too, I'm sure it was a nightmare to clean that flour up but it was kind of funny and what a clever idea to color with your toes, who did she learn that from? you may have an artist in the family!

Zach and Sarah said...

At least little girl "accidents" don't involve pushing their little brothers down on the sidewalk, causing head wounds with gushing blood:-)

Mom/Grammie P said...

Ohhh Kates' what a crack up! It is always, always a clear cut sign that when little girls are quiet,,,, it usually means trouble! When little "boys" are quiet,,,, it usually means they have fallen asleep!
Ish, the clean up had to have been fun! Where is Grandma when you need her?
Aunt Pam

dadleavitt said...

Looks like it was fun to clean up!

Harris Family said...

As long as their having fun right?!? What a clean-up that would have been! :) Miss ya!

Lopez-kids said...

Oh that is so great! I have had a few occasions where I just wanted to scream, but all I could do is laugh! Kids!! I love that she told you it was an accident! What a little smartie!

Bethany said...

OH that is naughty and just what you need when you're feeling like a million bucks with all the energy in the world.