This is the BEST apple juice. Jordon doesn't even like apple juice and he keeps drinking it. It is kind of like a treat, plus I think it would make excellent apple cider. This is so good, I won't share with the kids:)
Friday, November 21, 2008
try this....
Posted by Katie at 7:50 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Happy Birthday Snugglebum!

Posted by Katie at 10:55 AM 4 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Top ten for October
10. Halloween... princesses, fifties girl, buzz lightyear, robin, cowboy, pirate and a lion. So many things to be, not enough Halloween parties. :)
9. Kinley " Mom, can you hook up the Wii?"
Mom "I don't know how."
Kinley "It's easy mom, you just need to find the hooker."
8. Konnor got two teeth.
7. Jordon and I went to Laughlin with Chade and Melese and had a great time.
6. Kaden "I don't like hot dogs."
Kinley " Kaden doesn't like anything, not even broccoli."
Jordon" I like broccoli. It's one of my favorite vegetables."
Kinley " Chicken, chocolate milk and broccoli are my favorite vegetables."
5. Kaden "Mom, this toy is not working."
Mom "I'm sorry, that stinks."
Kaden "That was me."(Only a boy would want to be the one who made a stink, even when he didn't.)
4. Mom "Kinley, will you pick up that toy."
Kinley " I am too tired. No wait, I am too busy."
3. "What kind of birthday cake do you want?"
Kaden "Spiderman, batman and robin.. NOT mickey mouse."
2. The bradshaw family weekend, the lake, the party, the service project, and family pictures.
1. Kaden woke up at 5 am crying and when Jordon went to find out what was wrong, Kaden said "I want to go to Dr. Bowmans house and eat donuts." (Dr. Bowmans house is Jordons office and they always have donuts.)
Posted by Katie at 6:37 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Bradshaw Family Weekend
This post is going to be starting at the end of the weekend, because the pictures downloaded backwards. We had family pictures.. Catherine Taylor did a great job with such a big group.

Posted by Katie at 12:31 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Fall Break!
During Jordon's week off we tried to go somewhere new with the kids every day. We went to the pumkin patch in Chino Valley. I have to admit I was a little disappointed. We just picked out some pumkins and left. It was really windy and Kaden did not like it.
Posted by Katie at 6:30 AM 1 comments
We carved pumpkins on Halloween and Kaden wanted the pirate crossbones. The pictures didn't turn out very well. Kinleys was a cat and looked really cool.

Posted by Katie at 6:19 AM 2 comments