On Saturday at my moms Kaden got bit by a big shark (or tripped over some metal) so we took him to the doctor and they turned into some snakes (or gave him lots of stitches). He was all smiles, being a superhero trying to break out of the burrito they wrapped him up in, until they started numbing him. It was very sad, there was a lot of blood and guts and as far as I am concerned, that should be dads job. But he is hunting and still doesn't even know. I don't care to ever experience that again, but with 4 kids I know it is bound to happen.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Posted by Katie at 10:02 AM 7 comments
Monday, September 21, 2009
My husband better bring home one of these next week! He got drawn for elk and has been gone for the past two weekends. He is leaving again this weekend for the whole week. We miss him and church with 3 kids by myself is HARD! October can't come soon enough!
Posted by Katie at 12:51 PM 8 comments
soccer and preschool
We decided to try soccer this year. I was a little nervous with Kadens allergies and Kinley being more of a ballet girl than soccer girl, but they are having fun. Well, I should say Kaden likes it, but Kinley is not that interested. She plays and has fun, but does not really care much about the game. Oh well, you never know until you try.

Posted by Katie at 12:41 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
lost pictures
I would like to update my blog, but I have lost my SD card with all my most recent pictures on it. So until I find it, heres what we have been up to....school, McKells bday party, soccer, a girls trip to Cali, lots of doctors appts and so forth! (oh and Jordon has been golfing A LOT)
Posted by Katie at 11:53 AM 0 comments