There are 2 funny stories about Kinley that I absolutely must write down or I will forget them, and then I will never be able to tell her when she is older or tell my granchildren.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Write that one down!
Posted by Katie at 6:59 AM 5 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
Shout out
My sister has some stuff left from the swap meet today and has it for sale on her blog. It is really cute stuff. Check it out
Posted by Katie at 6:08 PM 0 comments
Swap Meet
My sister and my cousin are getting a booth at the East Mesa swap meet this weekend. It is in Signal Butte and Baseline. My cousin used to have a childrens clothes boutique called Uptown Girls Downtown Boys. They are going to have a lot of cute stuff. Her website is you can check it out there.
Posted by Katie at 7:34 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Easter egg hunt at the park, in the rain. We went with my sisters ward.
Braden is telling the little kids which eggs to get.
Posted by Katie at 8:24 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Kinleys Party
Kinley had a fun cupcake party. They colored, used glitter and stickers to decorate a paper cupcake, then they frosted real cupcakes and played pin the cherry on the cupcake. She got plenty of gifts and had a great time. Thanks to everyone who came.
Posted by Katie at 12:53 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Happy 27th to Katie!
Katie does this for everyone in our family so I thought it only fair that I posted her Birthday as well. Katie is the best wife and mother a family can have. I know most people think that but the truth is there can only be one best and that is Katie. She is and has always been selfless. Some examples: In the past I've given her money for clothes on her birthday and will come to find that the kids end up with new clothes. When I graduated from dental school and we needed another car, I planned on getting Katie something nice and buying an old truck. Of course she declined. She said she likes her little minivan just fine and the kids are messy anyways so I can buy her something nice when they are older. She always keeps our kids clean, happy, and healthy. When we lived in our shoebox of an apartment in dental school, she would wake up with a fussy baby (yes, by fussy baby I mean Kaden) and spend the rest of the night on the couch without me knowing so that I could get a good night sleep, then wake up and have my clothes ironed and a lunch ready for me so I wouldn't miss the carpool. She does all these little things while being married to ME. I won't expound on that except by asking those of you who know me to imagine being married to me. Point made? She is the best mom and makes such cute kids. She's had three kids and stays super hot on a budget I would challenge any girl to try and match! Katie is the best decision I've ever made. I definitely married up! You know I love you babe, Happy Birthday.
Posted by Katie at 2:00 PM 10 comments
Saturday, April 18, 2009
6 years of marital bliss!
6 years....4 apartments, 1 house, 3 kids, a dog, graduating from ASU, graduating from UOP, 2 cruises, 2 car accidents, 5 cars, trips to Mexico, California, Disneyland, Utah, New York, Conneticut, Boston, moving to Prescott, lots of fun, lots of friends, lots of love! Happy Anniversary Babe.. I love you!
Posted by Katie at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Happy Birthday Josh! My little brother turns 24 today! The stories I have about this boy are a little crazy! Love you bud!
Posted by Katie at 11:55 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monster Trucks
Jordon and Kaden went with Dr. Bowman to the monster trucks. They went to Chilis for a hamburger with cheese then to the show, complete with loud trucks, flags, cotton candy, sprite and a good time. Kaden LOVED it. He came home at 9:30 all fired up and then passed out the second his head hit the pillow.
Posted by Katie at 3:06 PM 4 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Konnor and Kinley
Kinley turned 5 yesterday! We had a fun cupcake party at my moms (pictures to follow)! Kinley is such a sweetheart. We are lucky to have her in our family. She is sensitive, smart, funny, happy and cute! She loves to sing, play house, draw, write and read. She eats almost everything, she loves broccoli, blackberries, blueberries, pretty much any fruit. She loves her preschool and playing with her cousins and friends. We love you Kinley, Happy 5th!
Posted by Katie at 9:07 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Happy Birthday!

Posted by Katie at 8:27 PM 1 comments