Well, the day started off bumpy with my neighbor giving a not-so-friendly pounding on my floor this morning at 8:30 am. The kids and I were just getting ready for the day, eating breakfast, etc. which apparently causes too much noise for someone who knowingly rented an APARTMENT on the FIRST FLOOR. I don't know what his problem is but I think he either needs ear plugs, needs to wake up earlier, or needs to move.
Then I taught joy school. This would have been fine except I was so worried that my neighbor would get mad that I think it kept the kids from having much fun. Joy school today was about being unique so all the kids shared thier favorite things as well as a talent. Kinley sang her ABC's, her favorite color is pink, and her favorite food is cheese crips. We also sang a song about everyone being different that Kinley shared with her dad when he got home.
After a not-near-long-enough nap for my kids I took them to Corte Madera mall to meet up with some friends. Apparently the flowers at Corte Madera mall were much to tempting to my sweet Kinley. She kept picking them! I threatened to go home and everything else I could think of but nothing seemed to work. About the same time I was ready to pull my hair out, I decided to explain to Kinley that Heavenly Father put those flowers there for everyone to see and enjoy. She responded with, "Heavenly Father is my friend" and didn't touch any more flowers. YEESH!!!
After months of bothering her father to let her "push the buddons," Kinley finally got her father to give in and teach her to play on the computer. She played the online sasame street games and was actually better at moving the mouse and clicking than we thought she would be. Kaden learned that if he runs and hides from his sister, she is less likely to take whatever it is he has a the moment.
The night, however, went much easier with the kids in bed and a quiet evening. (although Kinley did end up getting in trouble for screaming too much, then got OUT of bed to join me in my bed to read stories at 10:00 p.m. while Jordon studied downstairs.) :) What a day! i cant wait to start over tomorrow!!!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
All in a Day in the Life of a Mother
Posted by Katie at 9:22 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Apartment Living
As many of you know, we have had complaints from the very friendly or..not so friendly man that lives below us. Since our encounter in the courtyard I have not let the kids jump around. Which they were very unhappy with...so we have come to a compromise.. they may jump on the couch!
Posted by Katie at 8:38 PM 3 comments
Licking the bowl
Kinley had her friends Taeler and Matix over while I made yummy almond poppy seed bread. They enjoyed helping make it.... and licking the bowl when i was done.
Posted by Katie at 8:34 PM 1 comments
Our little climber
Jordon set up this barricade to keep Kaden from touching his computer but Kaden just climbed right up on the chair and on to the table. He is our fearless child. Kinley is 3 and is barely getting the courage to climb on the table. What fun it is to have two different personalities.
Posted by Katie at 8:26 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Joshuas Wedding
Kinley and her cousin McKell had so much fun on our trip to AZ. Kinley spent as much time in the backyard and on the trampoline as possible! Kinley even had her first sleep over at McKells house. My sister said she did ok but she is not fun to sleep by. She grinds her teeth and talks in her sleep. I think I must be used to it by now! She sure misses her cousins.
My brother got married! We got the kids all dressed up for pics and then Kaden went straight to bed!
Kinley, Lucy, Kambree and McKell playing ring around the rosies in their purple princess dresses!
My cousin Ally married one of Jordons good friends Tyler and this is Kinley with their little girl Tylee! Kinley and Tylee had so much fun at the reception! We miss you guys!
Posted by Katie at 2:46 PM 1 comments
Beach Fun
Posted by Katie at 2:34 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Spring Break 2007
If there is one good thing about this crazy bay area weather it would have to be the fact that if there IS a warm sunny day, you get outside and make the most of it. We took the kids to a little park nearby where we live to let them play in the grass. How sad is it that we have to take our kids to the park to play on grass? Such is life here. Katie bought a bubble blower that was a big hit. I guess that last time she had to blow bubbles for a while wore her out so she went with something battery operated this time.
She was happier than she looks in the picture. She was just getting tired of having to look at the camera and not the princesses.
And here hugging Aurora (sleeping beauty). They all thought it was weird when I handed the camera to Katie and made her take pictures of me giving hugs to the princesses - you know us Green's, gotta get our money's worth.
This was one of the three times she took pictures with Mickey. Before this trip I had never once taken a picture with any of the characters but Kinley liked meeting them as much as she liked the rides and we kept getting lucky by running into the characters before there was a long line formed to meet them.
This was about 4:00 on the first day. They had to share that little teddy bear blanket the whole time because we only brought one. People thought it was pretty funny to see them each holding the corner of such a small blanket and sucking their thumbs.
The tickets we had allowed us to get into the park an hour before it opened on Tuesday. Mickey came out right as we came in and Kiley was the first kid to meet him that day. We walked by five hours later and he was standing in the same spot with a long line. I assume that at leas had to let him take bathroom breaks?
Kinley walked through Mickey's house in Toontown to find a surprise waiting in his workshop. I had never really experienced Disneyland like I did this trip. Kinley loved little things like this. We spent a couple of hours with the Carpenter's on Tuesday. Kinley and Madi both enjoyed the Fantasy Fair where they got to listen to storytime by a princess, decorate their crowns with stickers, and learn to dance from the princesses.
Kinley and Kaden were pretty worn out at the end of each day. One of the days they fell asleep at 5 in the evening and didn't wake up until the next morning. It was awesome!
Of course Kinley had to finish off the whole trip with none other than a merry go round.
Posted by Katie at 4:17 PM 2 comments
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